Kansas City, MO isn't what I would consider a classic southern city, but it is a great art community. In fact, the past several SGC conferences have been in predominantly northern cities like Boston, MA, Piscataway, NJ, and Madison, WI. Only Washington, DC slips in as a mostly southern city. The one thing that all have in common, is that they produced an incredibly hospitable venue for this great show.
No word yet on how many vendors will be attending, nor on the number of registrants expected, but I'm sure both numbers will be near records. Back in 1985, when SGC was at Rice University in Houston, TX, there was but one vendor in attendance. I know this with certainty because it was us. It was really rough being the only one there with several hundred printmakers trying to b

Graphic is planning another raffle drawing again this year. The first prize is scheduled to be a leather roller and small litho stone, along with some inks and related materials that the average lithographer can't do without. This is a pretty nice set of products, and all it costs you is the time and energy to fill out an entry form.
If I were to get on my soapbox, I'd suggest that the various sites that host SGC should consider including a vendor in the planning of the event. Too often, especially in the past few years, the product fair is scheduled without any input from those of us who have to put the fair on. The classic mistake was years ago, when the school that was hosting determined that the vendors should have the best location available. We did have it too, it was great! The problem was that all of the artists attending the show were a mile away in the Art Department while we were in the Student Union by ourselves for two days. For the brave few who trekked over to the Student Union it was great - bargain deals and lots of attention.
Putting the soapbox away for the time being, I heartily encourage you to consider attending this show. It doesn't matter if you are a student, professor, run a studio or an independent artist. There's lot's for you to do and see, and a great city to do and see it in. Pile up your spouse, significant other, the kids and a pet or two and get yourself to Kansas City from March 21-24, 2007. You'll thank me later. As that old Cajun Chef used to say...I guar-un-tee it!