In printmaking, I would argue that the number is more like two degrees! I've rarely met a printmaker that didn't share a common acquaintance with me. I would like, however to introduce you to someone that you don't know probably...Florence. Like Cher or Madonna, she needs only one name. Her given last name is probably "the Milk Float".
Shown above, Florence is a refugee from the Dairy industry. In this picture she is

While our plans had some last minute changes which necessitated canceling a couple of stops on our grand tour - most notably an art fair in Oxford, England, and one of our distributors, it was still a successful, albeit damp trip. Successful, if you can forget about being run over by an Amsterdam taxi that I was in at the time, and a decidedly unpleasant gate crew for Continental Airlines who tried to put our 8 year old granddaughter on a different flight than Susan and I. But that's a story for another day. Hopefully by then I'll have forgotten about it.
Florence is our electric milk float built in 1947 now in daily service delivering supplies to our art shop in Hove, (UK) from our warehouse.
Thankfully, Dean was driving on the right side of the road (ie the lefthand side.....although it may have felt wrong to him!
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