He told me quite bluntly, " Son, if you don't try it you'll never know if it works, now will you?" I was quite young back then, but not really in the mood for a lecture on washing my hands.
I decided that I would clean up right then, find his booth and if my luck held, I'd tell him in front of lots of customers that his lousy product didn't work. I marched to the restroom pulled out his soap and a hand towel and proceeded to wash my hands. A few minutes later I stumbled to his booth, with close to 15 people standing there, and announced that I'd just washed with his soap. Jim listened to me for a few seconds and said, "And....?" And, I said it's really great stuff!
We've sold The Masters Hand Soap in two sizes for years, and to my knowledge never had anyone complain about it not working. One customer on the West Coast, thought that she'd need to give up printmaking altogether because of allergies to many solvents. When she tried The Masters for all of her clean up she was thrilled.
In addition to the hand soap, they make a spot cleaner called Kiss-Off that does for clothing what the hand soap does for your hands. There are numerous other products like brush cleaners etc that don't fit with our product line as well.
Sometimes you just gotta try something before you make up your mind about it. It's hardly a radical idea, but a gentle reminder every once in a while is helpful, at least for me.