A: Graphic Chemical & Ink Compan

It's been a long time coming, but we are pleased that the catalogs are finally available. This year's edition is a switch from past catalogs in a number of ways.
There is a lot more color throughout the book. In addition to color charts for most of the inks that we carry, there are color photos of products, and our favorite part - great artwork from some of our favorite artists. All artwork was used with permission of the artists.
Another change - one which will save you money in the long run - is that there are no prices in the catalog. I know that's counter-intuitive, but we save money by not having to reprint every time there was a price change. Prices are available online at and will be supplemented by a printed price list in the near future.
The paper section has been vastly expanded to 21 pages of papers from mills around the world. Our tools selection probably has more variety of tools than is available anywhere, and no one offers more in the way of inks than you'll find in this catalog. Every ink that we manufacture is matched by an ink from another manufacturer. I don't want to name drop (of course, I do!) but in add

We have listed in the catalog, inks from Sun Chemical, which is the successor to Handschy. They purchased the line from Handschy Industries a little over a year ago. This line has gone through more twists and turns than you can believe. Just recently we were approached by a group of former Handschy employees that were offering the same product that we were all used to, made on the same equipment , at reasonable prices. It was a hard offer to pass up, so we jumped on it.
The new Hanco products are not shown in the catalog - yet, but they are listed online. Instead of a number like CS100, it will be listed as HI-100. Just to further confuse the issue, Graphic has a line available of Process colors to match the old Hanco inks too. Hey, we didn't know if the big boys were going to be able to sort it out before the back-to-school rush, so we came up with Process Yellow, Process Magenta, Process Blue, Process Black, and the big hit of the summer, our new LFP Mag Tint Base. This is an effort to get back to the older, better version of the W-1075 before formulations were changed. The LFP is an homage to our co-collaborator on the project - Landfall Press in Santa Fe, NM.
There's lots more new and improved in the catalog, but you'll have to read it to decide what's new.
The downside? It's pretty minor, but the cost for the catalog is $5. The good news is that the $5 is refunded on your first order of $50 or more.
Thanks Dean, I have already ordered my copy.
Thanks, Dean, I have already ordered my copy. I can't wait to see it!
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